Cold Storage

Cold Storage

Since the Internet’s earliest days, the need to securely preserve vast amounts of complex data has remained. Critical legacy information once filled rooms of unending filing cabinets. The necessity for historical data retention endures for many lifetimes. It is imperative that the approach to data storage aligns with current technologies and policies.

As existing media is subject to deterioration over time, secure long-term storage becomes an issue, requiring an appropriately configured space, hardware, media and management.

Implementing a concise data archiving policy is a decisive means of increasing resource efficiency because:

  • Internet connectivity cost is reduced or eliminated
  • Power use is curtailed
  • Data compression increases media capacity.

DataHive’s Cold Storage solution addresses these important needs.

DataHive’s Cold Storage is located separately, in a dedicated room carefully configured and fit-for-purpose. Equipped similar to a data centre with cooling, power, connectivity and managed services, the value is apparent in the following ways:

  • Power demand diminishes – only expended when an access request is made
  • Read, write, print and other supporting auxiliary equipment provided on-site
  • Storage media integrity is sustained under precisely monitored environmental controls
  • Client data remains ultra-secure, in the same manner as ‘hot data’ in the data centre
  • Flexibility of choice for preferred storage systems like cabinets, drawers, shelving etc.

Each storage situation has its own peculiarity. You are welcome to consult with our Network and Operations Manager at 403-313-1106 to review the most suitable option for your use case. This is an important consideration as storage best-practices and technologies continue to rapidly evolve.