DataHive Announces a New Website

Dear Clients,

We are happy to announce the launching of our brand-new website:

A critical review showed us much of the original website was written when explanations were necessary. That isn’t the case anymore – – every day client sophistication and industry expectations change in the search for more and improved services.

Our clients look for a comprehensive service, often encompassing much more than data storage. In fact, the demands of twenty-first century technology now include a wide range of services and guarantees.

So, What’s New?

Check out how the home page eliminates the need to search. By identifying one of the nine most sought-after IT icons, viewers need only click on that icon to immediately access the subject of their choice. From there, they drill down to their level of interest.

More important, we hope you will share any suggestions or comments you may have.

The DataHive Team

DataHive’s Available Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Dear Clients,

DataHive has received several inquiries regarding the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) currently available directly from the data centre. We are delighted to do so.

DataHive is the only data centre between Toronto and Vancouver offering in-house access to thirty-six ISPs from one location. The scope of connectivity available to you includes rural, provincial, national, international and global locations. Accordingly, a list of these ISP logos are shown below. Should you be interested in contacting any of them, go to our website, then click on your chosen logo for contact information.

Please let us know should you require more information.

Marjorie Zingle

Local ISPs

Regional ISPs

Global ISPs

Service Providers & CDNs

Manage Risk With a Plan

A couple of weeks ago, we received a request for a copy of DataHive’s Security Strategy. This is an understandable request – – as the theft of information becomes more insidious every day, assurance of data security becomes ever more a priority.

We constantly read or hear of the latest illegal entrapment of individuals or business through theft of data, often holding the victim to ransom. Even during very difficult and vulnerable times, such as a world-wide pandemic, thieves seek more and more sophisticated methods to endanger livelihoods.

Businesses need to know they can offer their customers a high level of security. As a client, you know DataHive’s niche in the industry is our long history of maintaining a high level of security. We do not employ sales people, we have no advertising budget, our web site is low key but our service and security is amazing. As result, word-of-mouth is our key to success.

As billions of sensitive pieces of information move around the world on copper and fibre to be stored in millions of servers, at the same time thieves continually seek the most vulnerable and easy-toaccess target. Because DataHive’s business is the safe transport and secure storage of data, you have confidence that DataHive has your back.

Of course, we could not give that caller all the details regarding DataHive’s internal security. We can, however, remind clients that their experience at DataHive has never been compromised.

While DataHive does provide the underlying security, ultimately each client is responsible to insure their own equipment, programs, software, code, etc. is hardened. Please go to our website where you will be able to identify how your service ranks in the five levels of security compliance.

Should you wish to discuss your security strategy in more detail, we encourage you to call our security expert, Tomas, at 403-313-1106, or drop him a line to

Alternatively, as President, I will be more than happy to chat with you regarding any issues or concerns relating to DataHive’s services. My email is

You are receiving this Newsletter because you are a client or associate of DataHive,

Remote Communications = New Profits

The Internet is growing faster than the population and it follows – there is more business for you.

In April, 2020, the world population was 7,791,251,264* and the world Internet usage count was 4,574,000.000** users, or 57.8% of the world population.

Calgary’s Internet Exchange (YYCIX) has recorded an increase of at least 60% since February and DataHive’s own network has reached its highest recorded usage the first week of April.

In our newsletter of March 13, 2020, DataHive presented a full range of solutions for fulfilling remote or ‘work from home’ Internet support. This remote way of doing business has been available for some time, especially internationally. However, the experience of COVID-19 demonstrated the importance and value of efficient remote communications anywhere, anytime, internationally or locally.

The business development options discussed in the March Newsletter are worth considering. As a DataHive client you have access to any of these services and immediate opportunity to expand and promote your portfolio to a growing range of potential clients. These are organizations who, during COVID-19, learned the importance of secure, private, fast and efficient communication.

You are well positioned to take a good look at this opportunity. As a DataHive client you already have access to the largest number of Internet Service Providers in Western Canada ( Today you are in a position to offer your clients access to some thirty ISP providers, locally, nationally and internationally. This gives you the opportunity to expand your market reach, especially those situations where security and speed is of prime importance.

There are a number of reasons why your clients will be interested in this service. For example:

  • Never experience an Internet slowdown or denial of service
  • Bandwidth never over-subscribed
  • Dedicated secure line – Skype and Zoom are not secure
  • Eliminate repetitive staff efforts for greater efficiency
  • No more waiting for a turn on the computer
  • Always maintain Internet speed
  • No corporate data residing on employee home computers

All indications are that the phenomenal increase in Internet usage will continue. This valuable information is not some idea for future consideration – it is something that is happening right now. Because you are a DataHive client, you are in a position to offer the service to your clients.

We have expert consultants you can call on at DataHive to discuss further, 403-313-1106. As they say: ‘Success is working smarter, not harder’. Success is always creating value and usefulness for your customers so they can go on to more useful and productive initiatives.


There is always something, isn’t there!

Pretty much every day business is faced with one challenge or another. In Alberta we are getting our share to the point of wondering what will happen next. It looks like the next thing is the COVID-19 a global pandemic.

This Newsletter is especially for DataHive clients concerned about with the intense warnings about the pandemic and actions such as shutdowns, closure of public buildings, forced home isolation, etc. It is important to be proactive to insure as little impact on business as possible.

You are assured your clients’ are in the right place at DataHive. The following are concerns they may want addressed:

  • Loss of sufficient capacity to live up to your SLA
    NNI and dark fibre connection have the capacity you need to give your employees an express lane alternative to the soon to be congested shared internet connections o You can also use these to tap into Calgary’s global internet connectivity available only through DataHive
  • How to quickly reorganize systems for a Work from Home environment
    If moving physical servers is not feasible, we can spin up virtual instances of your infrastructure. • How to shift workloads from LAN to WAN o With workloads shifting from local area networks located within office buildings to WAN connections from employee homes, VPNs provide the best combination of security with functionality. We have the experts to assist. Click here.
  • Where do I find an alternate location for my cloud On-Ramp service?
    Are you worried about running out of bandwidth? Or worried about overages due to increased traffic? DataHive has direct cross connect to global and regional ISPs
  • Where do I find an alternate location for cloud on-ramp?
    If you are reorganizing your hybrid cloud strategy, DataHive has Zayo and Megaport cloud on-ramps in house • How to ensure 24/7 access to my servers if my building is quarantined? o You and your clients may be looking for a place that will remain on and running through any quarantine. DataHive has many options ranging from 1U and Quarter Racks to Full Racks and even private room.
  • Ensure security from vulnerabilities resulting from emergency measures
    It’s sad to say this, but times of turmoil are ripe opportunity for cyber criminals. With re-organization, temporary measures and workarounds, there is higher risk than ever that a new gap has been opened up in your otherwise solid security. DataHive provides services such as vulnerability scanning and vulnerability assessments to help identify any gaps in your defenses before the criminal hackers take advantage of them.
  • How to handle unexpected sickness or staff movement restrictions?
    With being short staffed, you may just need an extra hand. DataHive has experienced staff that can do just that. Anything from remote hands and eyes to full deployments without ever having to travel. At DataHive, some international clients have never had to send their IT staff for a visit, because we take care of it all for them.
  • Some of my equipment is at risk at its current location
    Many clients rely on DataHive as their disaster recovery location.

Please consider the affect these issues will be for your company and clients. DataHive has experienced a number of threats and interruptions in the past, including the flood and Enmax fire. Each time we persevered and made sure our clients’ data was safe and sound 100% of the time.

We invite you to discuss call us to discuss how you as a DataHive client and how that transposes to quality service to your client